Our Process

Even though we have seen and have had experience with many different industries and processes, we do not assume that situations we have encountered in the past will be reproduced in the future.

Therefore, we do not apply “cookie-cutter” solutions to problems. We carefully assess each situation and we take action only after we know real field conditions and have obtained all pertinent measurements and information. We create a unique Predictive Maintenance and Corrective Program that is tailored to individual Customers’ needs and circumstances. Our Process guarantees that we provide tangible and measurable results to our Customers.

The key steps in our Process are:

  • We start by getting to know our Customers’ Facilities, Process, Limitations and Capabilities.
  • We identify and prioritize our Customers’ critical primary and support equipment as it affects their process and operations.
  • We design a Predictive Maintenance and Corrective Program tailored to each customer’s needs. We determine what measurements and tests are needed and the optimum frequency of each.
  • We measure, analyze, diagnose, trend and verify machine conditions to find potential problems.
  • When we find a problem, we determine the root cause and take corrective action before it can affect operations.
  • We are Process Improvement Specialists!

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